Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ice Rink Lego

Ice Rink Lego
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
I don't know what made me think of an ice rink but it popped in my head and demanded to make an apperance today.

Day 28 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 31 May 09, 4.37PM PDT.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Time to clean up!

Time to clean up!
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
No more building Lego until the space is cleared!

Day 27 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 30 May 09, 5.37PM PDT.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Video shoot for the birds

Waiting to capture a hummingbird at its feeder...

Day 26 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 29 May 09, 11.20AM PDT.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Smallest Bumblebee's guest spot

Helping the transformer cross the road.

Day 25 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 28 May 09, 10.46AM PDT.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dark Garden

Dark Garden
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Just playing in the garden...

Day 24 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 27 May 09, 7.53PM PDT.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Climbing the furry mountain of Doom!


Day 23 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 26 May 09, 10.34AM PDT.

Guest Cat played by Pudge Morgan

Monday, May 25, 2009

Gas and Flame

Gas and Flame
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Having a Memorial Day BBQ? Be safe!

Day 22 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 25 May 09, 10.56AM PDT.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pop! Goes the Lego!

The jack in the box was one of my favorite toys when I was a kid.

Day 21 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 24 May 09, 2.49PM PDT.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
These new aliens are scary, gross looking, and very cool!

Day 20 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 23 May 09, 7.51AM PDT.

Friday, May 22, 2009 brother Stephen

This is how my older brother looks most of time. Especially with that smile....

Day 19 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 22 May 09, 1.28PM PDT.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hiding in the bamboo

At my old house I could have shot at this with real bamboo but there is none at the new house. Something about "Over Moms dead body"

Day 18 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 21 May 09, 10.26AM PDT.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yay! Lego store day!

I don't know whats more fun: Picking bricks for "Pick a brick" cups or sorting them at home!

Day 17 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 20 May 09, 3.27PM PDT.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lego Nintendogs

Lego Nintendogs
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Day 16 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 19 May 09, 8.57AM PDT.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Break glass in case of emergency

This is a long description so bear with me. My dad is an artist. In my early years he was in college going after his degree, so he had many projects in different subjects and mediums. One of them was the red box. The red box was simple on the outside with just a window in the middle of the front to look in. What you saw in the inside was a woman pounding on the window while sirens and flashing lights were going on around her. Looking in you could see the words, "Break glass in case of emergency" and she could see she was trying to break the glass but couldn't. It was meant to be a statement about women being trapped in a box and not being able to break through the glass ceiling of life.

To say I was scared of it as a child would be an understandment. My memories of it was when I was about 4 years old. It was probably the loud noise and the desperate woman inside struck me as literal woman trapped in a fire that worried me. My dad, realizing that it bothered me so much took me with him to the junk yard to have it destroyed so I would see that it was gone.

Day 15 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 18 May 09, 9.13AM PDT.

8 years later....

8 years later....
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Now I know why outer space bases come pre-fab...

Day 14 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 17 May 09, 4.24PM PDT.

Camping dream

Camping dream
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
I had a dream last night I was camping so I decided to recreate it in Lego.

Day 13 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 16 May 09, 6.39PM PDT.

Thanks for the noms

Day 12 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 15 May 09, 5.07PM PDT.

Diving for treasure

Which is worth more? The treasure or the crab?

Day 11 of 365

Time for a dip

Time for a dip
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Day 10 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 13 May 09, 11.32AM PDT.

Sunny Day

Sunny Day
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Gotta enjoy the sun together while its out.

Day 9 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 12 May 09, 10.20AM PDT.

Push the button...

Push the button...
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
The red, candy like button!

Day 8 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 11 May 09, 5.19PM PDT.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
On Mother's Day, don't forget your Mother Earth.

Day 7 of 365

Praying to the hockey potatoe gods

Please bring my team a win today!!!!

Day 6 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 9 May 09, 10.09AM PDT.

Simple logic

Simple logic
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Me: "So you big guys have had 5 tv shows, an animated show, 11 movies all international and mostly family friendly but you're not in Lego?"

Spock: "No, it would not be logical for Star Trek to be made into Lego"

Me: "Why not?!?!?"

Spock: "Star Wars fans have more money"

Day 5 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 8 May 09, 1.13PM PDT.

Lego Animal Crossing

If you don't play in your town, weeds and weeds, weeds grow and everyone hates you.

Day 4 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 7 May 09, 9.45AM PDT.

Rain, rain go away

Rain, rain go away
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Always when I have to go out in the rain I get wet even with an umbrella and a jacket.

Day 3 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 6 May 09, 6.27AM PDT.

Laundry day!

Laundry day!
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365

May the 4th be with you!


I am going to use this blog for something. My 365 from Flickr. Everyday I take my mini fig and use it in a scene, either in real life or with other Lego pieces or both. I'll start with the first day(Which was May 4th and go on)