Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hiding in the bamboo

At my old house I could have shot at this with real bamboo but there is none at the new house. Something about "Over Moms dead body"

Day 18 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 21 May 09, 10.26AM PDT.


Amanda said...

HA! I remember shortly before you moved, I was over to visit one day and said something about liking the bamboo in your yard and your mother replied, "Well, maybe we can still be friends."

She really hates the stuff, eh?

Sarah said...

She hated it because the bamboo kept wanting to take over the yard and all the plants she really loved and she had to go and pull up the stalks where she didn't want it to grow. It really was never ending because she could out and fill a trash can and then a good rain would come and new shoots would come up.