Friday, September 3, 2010

2nd batch of series 2

2nd batch of series 2
Originally uploaded by Sarah-Mitt
TL, DR: Only 4 left to get! I got some extra motorcycle cops, a mime, a lifeguard,a skier, and karate kid. I had an extra witch, explorer disco Stu but I gave them to my mom. She wants a go'uld too.

Thursday, I went to a TRU and they had none. So I called my local TRU because the cashier(On Tuesday) told me they were getting their usual shipment that day and I should call and they could a hold a box for me. I spoke to the same cashier and she said they didn't have any and slammed the phone down.

Today I was out with my mom and she asked if we were going to TRU and I said, "Lets see how things go" because we had other things we needed and I didn't expect to find them. But after all our errands were done we were right by TRU so I ran in to check and there they were just hanging on the pegs! So I called my mom in to help out and I started going through with a bar code sheet I got from SavaTheAggie. A guy came over to pick some and I offered my sheet to help. At the checkout I had a really nice cashier(Not the same cashier as before.) So not a bad experience.

Uploaded by Sarah-Mitt on 3 Sep 10, 10.26PM EDT.

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