Monday, August 31, 2009

Watching the troops

Me in Lego: "Have fun storming the castle!"

Day 120 of 365

See more views here:

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 31 Aug 09, 9.32AM PDT.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Good gun

Good gun
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Can also slaughter wombats.

Day 119 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 30 Aug 09, 3.44PM PDT.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bet you didn't know...

Stormtroopers give excellent back rubs!

Day 118 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 29 Aug 09, 3.51PM PDT.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Shady character

Shady character
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Shady character: "Hey, lady, wanna buy a giraffe tail?"

Day 117 of 365

(I am not being silly, see here: )

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 28 Aug 09, 5.40PM PDT.

My bedroom/Lego room

My bedroom/Lego room
Originally uploaded by Sarah-Mitt

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Carving my name.... brick!

Day 116 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 27 Aug 09, 11.43AM PDT.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crazy cat lady

Crazy cat lady
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
How I wake up every morning.

Usually with at least one more feline as well.

Day 115 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 26 Aug 09, 6.17PM PDT.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

At the beach.....

At the beach.....
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
.......with an old friend.

Day 114 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 25 Aug 09, 6.33PM PDT.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ancient plans

Ancient plans
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Me in Lego: I must find the rest of these instructions!

Day 113 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 24 Aug 09, 3.55PM PDT.

BrickFair robots!

BrickFair robots!
Originally uploaded by Sarah-Mitt
BrickFair robots!

Uploaded by Sarah-Mitt on 24 Aug 09, 3.18PM EDT.

After BrickFair Lego store stop

One company, CVS Caremark, said it advertises on Fox but hadn't said anything about Beck. Now it has told its advertising agency to inform Fox that it wanted no commercials on Beck.

"We support vigorous debate, especially around policy issues that affect millions of Americans, but we expect it to be informed, inclusive and respectful," said spokeswoman Carolyn Castel.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Quite true in fact....

Unknown to most historians of our modern times but dragons were quite the sword masters!

Day 112 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 23 Aug 09, 3.29PM PDT.

First BrickArms loot

First BrickArms loot
Originally uploaded by Sarah-Mitt
If you had asked me 3 weeks ago about BrickArms, I would had said, "Well they get great reviews on Brothers Brick, they are very popular on Flickr but, I am not interested in customs."

I am not sure what changed, if it was my trusting of the Brothers Brick reviews or just seeing so many in pics on Flickr where they looked cool. But planning for BrickFair I knew I had to stop by the BrickArms table. As time went on I kept going to the Brickarms website to pick out what I wanted. I posted what happen when I first arrived at the table already.(
After I got over my shock right in front of me were the bats and phasers so I grabbed them first. It ended up being really hard to get to everything because the room in front of the table was packed with young teenage boys. I grabbed a covert weapons pack next and tried to go look at the rest of the items but that proved to take too long with the crowd there so I plan on hitting the website to get the items on my list that I missed.

Uploaded by Sarah-Mitt on 23 Aug 09, 2.53PM EDT.

Lego earrings

Lego earrings
Originally uploaded by Sarah-Mitt
In another room of vendors there was an Aussie selling Lego jewelery! I got these for 5 dollars and they are the same color as my room! My mother got the same thing but in nasty, horrible, yucky, lime green color.

Uploaded by Sarah-Mitt on 23 Aug 09, 2.25PM EDT.

Lego BrickFair Haul

Lego BrickFair Haul
Originally uploaded by Sarah-Mitt
Lego BrickFair Haul

From the vendor Bricks without Mortar.

I didn't expect to find such rare Lego items for sale at a reasonable rate. For some reason I had in my head there would only be custom sellers at this convention.

Going through this vendors table I picked up over 80 dollars worth of items. Seeing how I had less then $70 on me I had to rethink what I really needed. I had gotten multiples of the cat so gave those up, plus some rare mini figs from SW and Avatar then a turkey and a blue parrot. So I was left with these bringing my total down to $27.

I had the soccer balls at one point but they are quite lost. But the cake was cheaper then I had seen it in other places and I really wanted one. The hot dog was cheap and I didn't have one. The snowboard is really awesome and I didn't have one either. The witch I don't have and she has so much detail! Except for her hat which is plain like other witches hats I have. Of course the cat looks so much like my own I had to have at least one!

Uploaded by Sarah-Mitt on 23 Aug 09, 2.05PM EDT.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Awesome times a billion

Awesome times a billion
Originally uploaded by Sarah-Mitt
You're going to hear me tell this story a lot.

I was at BrickFair today and stopped by the BrickArms table. I asked for the swords weapons pack because the was first on my list of what I wanted. The guy behind the table said they were sold out but since I had asked about it and was interested in swords he'd give me these and hands me two of those Braveheart type swords! I was so shocked! I didn't know what to say as he showed me his mini figs posed with the swords and all I remember blurting out was, "I saw these on Brothers Brick!" the guy smiled and nodded yes. I'm still in a bit of a daze about it and I really hope I remembered to say thank you. I just stared at those swords in my hand for awhile before I remember I had other BrickArms to buy and so I did.
I'll post pictures of those tomorrow.

Uploaded by Sarah-Mitt on 22 Aug 09, 9.09PM EDT.


Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Day 111 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 22 Aug 09, 5.46PM PDT.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Brickfair packing...

Ok, Lego t-shirt, suitcase of money, empty suitcase for new stuff, and 7 year old nephew!

Day 110 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 21 Aug 09, 1.14PM PDT.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Project Runway in Lego

Tim Gunn in Lego: "So, tell me what you are working on."

Me in Lego: "I am going to sew these two cloaks together to make it look like the black cloak has red trim."

Tim Gunn in Lego: "Okay! Make it work!"

Day 109 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 20 Aug 09, 7.04PM PDT.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ghost Hunters in Lego!

Day 108 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 19 Aug 09, 9.26AM PDT.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Worth exploring the magical baseplate!

Day 107 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 18 Aug 09, 8.51AM PDT.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ready to explore...

....the magical baseplate!

Day 106 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 17 Aug 09, 4.52PM PDT.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shadow picture with soldier

Not part of my 365 but I liked this picture and thought I'd blog it. (And isn't it cool that I can blog from two flickr accounts?!?)

At Antietam

At Antietam
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Day 105 of 365

(If you would like to see more of her at Antietam and just shots of Antietam, see my collection: )

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 16 Aug 09, 4.30PM PDT.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

BrickFair coming!

BrickFair coming!
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Packing our bag! Just one week left till we will be at BrickFair drooling away!

Day 104 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 15 Aug 09, 7.19PM PDT.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Working my way up to apples

Day 103 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 14 Aug 09, 11.17AM PDT.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

NFL Lego...

American Football season starts now!

Day 102 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 13 Aug 09, 4.41PM PDT.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Making magic

Making magic
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Day 101 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 12 Aug 09, 6.38PM PDT.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Deadlier then small pox...

The old chained to a railroad death!

Luckily this one was rescued by a passing power saw merchant.

Day 100 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 11 Aug 09, 8.57AM PDT.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Visiting the art museum

Day 99 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 10 Aug 09, 9.26AM PDT.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Up here

Up here
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Me in Lego: How come you don't have wings like her?

Dragon:........'cause I'm male. Only female dragons have wings. What do they teach you at that school of yours?

Day 98 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 9 Aug 09, 11.32AM PDT.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A new discovery

A new discovery
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Me in Lego: "What kind of dragon is that?"

Dragon: "Its a.....female!"

Day 97 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 8 Aug 09, 6.23PM PDT.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Exploring the past

Exploring the past
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Me in Lego finds an ancient giant truck with a mysterious emblem leading her to believe it must have had some group affiliation....

Day 96 of 365

To see the full version of the truck, click here:

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 7 Aug 09, 7.27AM PDT.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Land Shark

Land Shark
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
In a last ditch effort to beat Dragon, Shark tries an old school trick......

Shark: "Candy Gram!"

Day 95 of 365

(BTW, if you are having trouble getting this joke, this might help: )

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 6 Aug 09, 10.09AM PDT.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dragon saves the girl

Shark: We just want a bite of your apple, little girl...

Dragon: Nooooooooooooo!!!!

Day 94 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 5 Aug 09, 7.45AM PDT.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Realistic Shark

Realistic Shark
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Director Penhall: CUT!!!

Day 93 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 4 Aug 09, 7.59AM PDT.

Lego Convention!

AKA BrickFair!

Lego Con in Tysons! I so have to go. I think this year I am only going to do the public access stuff since I haven't been before and I am more on the collecting side rather then a builder who can make huge creations. Plus its at my favorite hotel! I pulled this stuff off the website but I put it in way that would make the most important information easy to access.

Heres the basics:

Public Hours: Aug 22nd & 23rd, 2009
Sat/Sun: 11am - 4pm
Tickets sold at the door.

Public Day Access:
Adults: $10
10 & under: $7
3 & under: Free
Family of 4: $30

Full Registration:
Adult: $50
Child: $50
5 & under: Free

The full registration is what I am not doing.

For The Public:

  • Expo: Walk the 12,000 square feet of original LEGO brick creations from hundreds of AFOLs across the country. (A bare minimum of 90 minutes is needed to see most displays.)
  • Vendors: Shop LEGO-related items. Find sets, parts, minifigures, classic out-of-production items, custom engraved bricks, and more.
  • Stay & Play: Let your littlest one's imagination run wild and share in a massive pile of LEGO bricks. (but the bricks stay with us, so they can be enjoyed again next year)
  • Technic Challenges: Watch BrickFair registrants compete their MINDSTORMS creations in various challenges of ingenuity.
All visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. BrickFair is a blast for the whole family, but we do not offer any daycare services. Parents are responsible for their children's actions and safety. Strollers are not permitted in BrickFair (sorry, we simply do not have the room).

^^^ Hotel directions, its that huge hotel in Tysons.

Let me know if you have questions. Like what creations you should expect to see and what not.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Shark vs Dragon

Shark vs Dragon
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Director Penhall: All right! In this scene Dragon, you're going to let Shark here nom at your arm to help the scientist get back to her shark cage.

Shark: I think I should nom on his face, more realistic!

Director Penhall: No,no, the audience is looking for Dragon to punch you in the nose or try to gouge your eyes out first. Thats realistic!

Day 92 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 3 Aug 09, 9.54AM PDT.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Running from time

Running from time
Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
The nightmare: Time is trying to capture me!

Day 91 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 2 Aug 09, 4.04PM PDT.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Originally uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365
Me in Lego learned two new English translations for the above sign according to her customers:

One: This register is closed. Please go to the next one.

Two: Please ring bell a billion times in a row. Especially if the cashier is there.

Day 90 of 365

Uploaded by Sarah.Mitt's 365 on 1 Aug 09, 7.20PM PDT.