Saturday, August 22, 2009

Awesome times a billion

Awesome times a billion
Originally uploaded by Sarah-Mitt
You're going to hear me tell this story a lot.

I was at BrickFair today and stopped by the BrickArms table. I asked for the swords weapons pack because the was first on my list of what I wanted. The guy behind the table said they were sold out but since I had asked about it and was interested in swords he'd give me these and hands me two of those Braveheart type swords! I was so shocked! I didn't know what to say as he showed me his mini figs posed with the swords and all I remember blurting out was, "I saw these on Brothers Brick!" the guy smiled and nodded yes. I'm still in a bit of a daze about it and I really hope I remembered to say thank you. I just stared at those swords in my hand for awhile before I remember I had other BrickArms to buy and so I did.
I'll post pictures of those tomorrow.

Uploaded by Sarah-Mitt on 22 Aug 09, 9.09PM EDT.

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